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Healthy food fundumentals

Malnutrition causes the largest number of deaths worldwide. More than smoking, high blood pressure and any other risk factor.
These are the results of a large study on the effects of nutrition on health, which was conducted in 195 countries and ended in 2017.
Every fifth death in the world occurs precisely because people do not eat healthy foods. The reason is too much salt, not enough whole grains and fresh fruits. People also consume very few nuts, seeds, fresh vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids, and fiber.
Therefore, try to consume healthy foods from all groups every day: vegetables, fruits and berries, legumes, eggs, fish, meat, healthy fats and oils, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy and sour milk products in the ratio shown in the pyramid of healthy nutrition.

Less sweets.
The average daily intake of added sugars should be no more than 32-50 grams. This is about 10 teaspoons. But it is better to minimize its consumption altogether - not to add sugar to tea or coffee. If you add sugar, do not eat extra sweets. Better to give preference to fruits, berries and honey.
• Observe the diet.
Irregular food intake can lead to indigestion. Due to the prevalence of overweight and a detailed study of the characteristics of human physiology (digestion, metabolism), studies have shown that it is better to eat fewer times a day. Most of all - 3, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Choose healthy snacks.
As a snack, it is great to savor fruits and dried fruits, nuts, natural yoghurt without fillers, as well as a self-made sandwich with healthy ingredients.
Eat slowly.
Food should be chewed thoroughly. The digestion process begins already in the mouth. The enzymes produced by the salivary glands contribute to the breakdown and initial decontamination of food. Swallowing food without chewing leads to over-eating because satiety is associated with receptors in the mouth.
Be physically active.
An important addition to a healthy diet is physical activity. If there is no time for sports at all, then no one has canceled walks in the fresh air, morning jogging or exercises. Walk more, get rid of the habit of passing one or two stops by transport, be active.

How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. To reduce the risk of overeating, keep an eye on the portion size of different foods. The size may vary depending on the individual or nutritional recommendations that you follow.
Prepare food properly.
Give preference to these cooking methods: cooking, baking, stewing, steaming. Correct heat treatment is the key to maintaining the integrity of the food. But fried foods should be abandoned altogether.
Drink enough water.
Make it a rule to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water during the day: unboiled (purified using a filter) or mineral table water. But remember that tea, coffee and juices are not substitutes for water. In the heat, during physical activity, after consuming protein-rich food, you should drink more water.
Reduce the amount of salt.
You need to eat as little salt as possible. Its excess contributes to fluid retention in the body, leading to edema and high blood pressure. It is better to replace ordinary table salt with sea salt, because in kitchen salt there are only two trace elements: sodium and chlorine, while in sea salt there are about 90.


(с) 2024

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